

"Never retreat. Never explain. Get it done and let them howl."


About mig33

*Hurrey!! New trick for you all.
Now you can kick any user by command. Just write /kick [username] by this command user will be kicked out. Enjoy (flirt)

* You guys may see erorr while trying to login to facebook using mig33. Here is the trick you can login facebook using mig33
Click this link http://www.mig33.com/sites/index.php?c=im&a=facebook_setup&v=wapAfter loading the page you will see a link as 'click here' and you can add your facebook to your mig33

*check your mig33 credit balance by mobile without login
Just send a sms to 447717989963 with keyword "BALANCE"

* Old but cool trick to add your self
Open the page to add friend and write you id changing vovles (aeiou) using this kind of letters (àèìòù). Eg.(hìmmù_). And add to your contact list. And logout for a while. And after you login you will get invitation from your id.

* How to send a blank page to friends
Open a chat page, write /boo than the user will see a blank page.

* How to change your avator's body and gender
1.login to wap.mig33.com by mini opera and login your mig33 id.
2.than press #1 and clear the link and write this linkHttp://wap.mig33.com/sites/index.php?c=avatar&v=wap&a=create and press 'goto' now you can change your avatar's body and gender

* do you guys know how people can't add you and they will see a msg like "'add contact failed- himmu_ is unable to receive invites at this time. Please try again later.'"
Here is the secret. Keep about 14 invites without adding. So that others cant add u.

* How to take a fake snap
Change any id name by editing detail to which id u want . And u can take a fake snap of any id u want.

Himmu saysmore tricks comming soon


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